
Sunday 12 October 2014


Getting older, growing apart, moving to different schools, different uni's, colleges,  it all sucks. I never really fully appreciated how important my friends were to me until attending my current international school, Brighton College Abu Dhabi. The one thing that all international students will agree with me on is that because living out here is never permanent it's most likely that at some point your current friends will have to move away. This has been happening to me a lot recently.

Obviously, back in England I've had to deal with some of my best friends moving away to places on the other side of the Earth, like Australia, thus making it difficult to maintain a friendship despite the masses of social media available nowadays. But since having my eyes opened up to different cultures, accents, languages, religions, personalities, I've come to appreciate my international buddies as somewhat especially unique and special to me.

I often find myself daydreaming about the all too near future and how I'll manage to keep in touch with all my friends from the past 3 years once we've all sprinkled ourselves across the continents to go to University. I'll be honest, it scares me. The possibility of losing these people that have enriched my life and made me want to travel the world isn't the most appealing thought. In all honesty, I feel so incredibly lucky to have experienced living and submerging myself in a country that 3 years ago I had no idea even existed! And once having gone through this massive change in my life, I would have been happy to say that as a person I embrace change. However, now I'm not too sure.

What I wouldn't give to go back to last year and have all my friends surrounding me, including the ones that I now have to Skype instead of seeing every day in school. It's true what they say, you don't really miss something until it's gone.

So, the point of this blog post? Hmm, I guess it would just be to really appreciate the friends that make you cry-laugh and smile on a daily basis (I know, deep advice from a 17 year-old..).
But seriously, take pictures, share secrets, make memories, because when that person is gone the reality doesn't sink in until they are indeed, gone.

Surround yourself with people who inspire you,

Amelia xo

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