
Monday 20 October 2014

Staying Happy

Positivity, an essential aspect of life, in my opinion. Who likes somebody who's always cynical or depressing? I don't, for one. I want to surround myself with people who infect me with positivity, who make me happy and who make me laugh. But don't get me wrong, everybody has their down days, moments where they just want to cry, stressful days. And that's okay too. But its a funny thing to actually sit down and consider what makes you happy, it makes you realise that the little things from day to day are essential in your general happiness, and thats exactly what I did.

So without further a do, here is my list of things that make me happy:

  • clean bed sheets & pyjamas
  • a hot cup of english tea
  • lie-ins
  • bacon butties on the weekend
  • bargains / sale season
  • singing
  • live music / live orchestras
  • free periods in school 
  • holiday season
  • reading my fave blogs
  • the occasional iced Argo Tea 
  • cozying up to watch my favourite TV series
  • warm cookies fresh out of the oven
  • reading 
  • writing blog posts
  • Re-watching the chubby bunny challenge me and my friends did - priceless.
  • Sassie, my cocker spaniel
  • seeing the final product of a finished piece of my art work
  • looking through old diaries, photos, reflecting on memories
  • getting 'dolled up' to go out with friends
  • listening to really loud music
  • the song Dakota, by the Stereophonics
  • pyjama days
Perhaps some may seem insignificant, or too simple, but I would honestly recommend taking the time just to reflect on what makes you happy. It's always useful to come back to a list like this when you aren't feeling your best, or just want a pick-me-up.

I dare YOU to make your own happiness list, it'll make you realise a lot of things about yourself that you didn't know.

Stay positive, stay happy, keep smiling,

Amelia xo

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