
Saturday 11 October 2014

Why Autumn is the Best Season

Although I may live in the ever sweltering Abu Dhabi where it's summer all year round, there is no denying my love for the Autumnal months. I always find myself counting the summer days away until it finally hits September, at which point I know I can start allowing myself to get excited for the 'colder' (I wish) part of the year and all the festivities that come with it.

So why is Autumn the best season in the year?
1. Oversized jumpers: there is nothing better than knowing you can eat all the comfort food you want without your subsequent food baby sticking out like a sore thumb. Bring on the mashed potato and gravy.
2. Hot drinks: yes, I do drink tea every day of the year, whilst all my friends are slurping on cold lemonades in the Abu Dhabi heat: it's fair to say I'm quite obsessed.
3. Comfort Food: yes yes yes please. Roast dinners, pies, sausage & mash. Gimme.
4. Leaves on the ground: oh how I do miss the red and orange leaves crunch beneath my feet. None of the leaves fall off the trees in Abu Dhabi, unfortunately.
5. Candles: the excitement of walking into Bath & Body Works to see pumpkin scented everything and deals on the fall scents.
6. Duvet days: ideally when it's raining outside (again, something we lack in here in the desert) with fluffy socks on and the air con turned up real high, as to try and convince myself that I indeed do not live smack bang in the middle of sand land. A girl can dream.
7. Earlier evenings: boy oh boy do I get excited when it starts getting darker earlier in the evenings...all the better for watching films cozied up on the sofa. Am I right?
8. Bonfire Night & Sparklers: again perhaps a British celebration, but honestly one of the best holidays. It seems that whenever I  just blow out a match the lingering smell takes me right back to the scent of the burning bonfire, crisp night air and warm mulled wine.
9. Keeping busy: It may just be me whom this happens to, but it seems that in the last few months of the year everything just seems to happen all at once! You've got Bonfire Night, Halloween, and Christmas to look forward to, alongside the play rehearsals that me and my gal pals sign up for every year (it's become tradition) and vacations during the school break. To-do lists are a must.
10. CHRISTMAS: too cheesy for me to end on this one? Maybe, but I don't care, I'm honestly still like a five-year old when it comes to Christmas. I just love it. Ask any of my friends and they will happily tell you how annoying I am at getting too excited for Christmas as early as September (sorry not sorry). Who doesn't love the feeling of buying a great Christmas present for family and friends, or putting up the Christmas tree whilst the festive CDs are blasting?! *inner squeal of excitement*

So those are my few perhaps stereotypical things that I love about Autumn, besides the fact that I'm going to NYC in December again! I can't seem to get enough of that city.

What are you looking forward to in the coming Autumnal months?

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