
Monday 20 October 2014

Staying Happy

Positivity, an essential aspect of life, in my opinion. Who likes somebody who's always cynical or depressing? I don't, for one. I want to surround myself with people who infect me with positivity, who make me happy and who make me laugh. But don't get me wrong, everybody has their down days, moments where they just want to cry, stressful days. And that's okay too. But its a funny thing to actually sit down and consider what makes you happy, it makes you realise that the little things from day to day are essential in your general happiness, and thats exactly what I did.

So without further a do, here is my list of things that make me happy:

  • clean bed sheets & pyjamas
  • a hot cup of english tea
  • lie-ins
  • bacon butties on the weekend
  • bargains / sale season
  • singing
  • live music / live orchestras
  • free periods in school 
  • holiday season
  • reading my fave blogs
  • the occasional iced Argo Tea 
  • cozying up to watch my favourite TV series
  • warm cookies fresh out of the oven
  • reading 
  • writing blog posts
  • Re-watching the chubby bunny challenge me and my friends did - priceless.
  • Sassie, my cocker spaniel
  • seeing the final product of a finished piece of my art work
  • looking through old diaries, photos, reflecting on memories
  • getting 'dolled up' to go out with friends
  • listening to really loud music
  • the song Dakota, by the Stereophonics
  • pyjama days
Perhaps some may seem insignificant, or too simple, but I would honestly recommend taking the time just to reflect on what makes you happy. It's always useful to come back to a list like this when you aren't feeling your best, or just want a pick-me-up.

I dare YOU to make your own happiness list, it'll make you realise a lot of things about yourself that you didn't know.

Stay positive, stay happy, keep smiling,

Amelia xo

The Maze Runner

I'm sure most of you reading this have heard of The Maze Runner, especially recently with the films recent launch. I've got to admit, I wasn't initially interested in the book series, of course I'd heard of it here and there, but instantly placed it into a book series that was mainly for boys. Action, fighting, all that jazz, it just didn't appeal. I only really became intruiged once I'd heard news that Dylan O'Brien, one of the actors starring in my long loved TV series Teen Wolf, had snatched the main role in the film. I instantly got to work researching the books.

Obviously, you have to read the book before you watch the film, its just standard nerd girl rwow, I became hooked. Not only was a buzzing like a mad fan girl on too much caffeine about one of my favourite actors whom I'd watched grow and blossom throughout Teen Wolf grabbing a blockbuster role, but surprisingly I also loved the book. It's an understatement to say I was excited.
ules, so I did just that. And

I'm not one of those people, who when looking forward to a film, has to go and see it as soon as its released, but I just couldn't wait. So I went and saw it with my little sister and friend, Ranim, and I have to say I wasn't amazed. I feel like that because I read the book before seeing it, I couldn't truly appreciate the film because I knew what was going to happen next. But there is no denying that Dylan was truly brilliant, gotta love that guy.

If I had to sum up the books and film, it would be that firstly, the book is far more focused on action and the storyline rather than the luxury of wording, but nonetheless keeps you gripped with what will happen next. The film, is stunning when regarding special effects and how visually aesthetic it is, and surprisingly stays quite true to the book considering how much they had to jam into just over an hour of film. I'm onto the third book in the series now, The Death Cure, and loving it. I can see now how this series managed to get such a large fan-base. Who wouldn't love a mashup of a dystopian Lord of the Flies with a dash of The Hunger Games?

If you crave action, love tension, don't mind a few gory deaths and a sprinkling of scifi romance, then you definitely have to check out The Maze Runner film(s) and book series.
You're welcome.
And if you're thinking I'm bias, as a severe fan of the O'Brien, then you'd be 100% totally correct. Sorry not Sorry.
How can you not love that guy?!

Have you seen The Maze Runner movie? What are your thoughts?

Amelia xo

Monday 13 October 2014

TMI Tag (50 things about me)

1: What are you wearing?   Pyjamas - comfort always.

2: Ever been in love?   Sassie, my cocker spaniel is the love of my life (She's so fluffy i'm gonna die!!!)

3: Ever had a terrible breakup?   Thankfully no (let's hope it stays that way)

4: How tall are you?   Too short

5: How much do you weigh?   Enough

6: Any tattoos?   Nooo

7: Any piercings?   Just my singular ear piercings

8: OTP(s)?   Bellarke, Janya, Zalfie, Jelsa 

9: Favorite show(s)?   AHS, The 100, Teen Wolf

10: Favorite bands?   The Script, Red House Glory, Switchfoot

11: Something you miss?   Rain & thunder storms

12: Favorite song?   It changes constantly

13: How old are you?   17

14: Zodiac sign?   Virgo

15: Quality you look for in a partner?   Somebody who can make me laugh

16: Favorite Quote?   "Courage, dear heart" - C.S. Lewis

17: Favorite actor?   I like too many at an equal level

18: Favorite color?   The neon vivid orange/ peach the sky goes when the sun is setting.

19: Loud music or soft?   LOUD

20: Where do you go when you're sad?   To bed

21: How long does it take you to shower?   Too long!

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?   An hour, roughly

23: Ever been in a physical fight?   No, probably never will be (touch wood)

24: Turn on?   Sense of humour & height

25: Turn off?   Arrogance, conformity

26: The reason I started blogging?   Firstly, I love to write. Secondly, I love to write.

27: Fears?   Moths = ew. Butterflies = ew. Caterpillars = ew, burn them all.

28: Last thing that made you cry?   Probably a film...? Most likely a film. I get too emotionally attached. 

29: Last time you said you loved someone?   Recently

30: Meaning behind your Blog Name?   I'm very ordinary, so much so that it's almost brilliant...? None of the names that I wanted were available, is what I'm trying to say.

31: Last book you read?   Catcher in the Rye & The Maze Runner

32: The book you're currently reading?   The Scorch Trials

33: Last show you watched?   Doctor Who, yes, I'm a nerd.

34: Last person you talked to?   My Mum

35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?   Ranim: I mean...she's okay I guess. (jokes, love you Reem)

36: Favorite food?   Anything edible - I don't discriminate.

37: Place you want to visit?   Thailand: again, purely food related reasons

38: Last place you were?   At school = EW.

39: Do you have a crush?   'Noo, hehehe ;)'     No seriously, I don't. 

40: Who are you named after?   My middle name is from my Grandma's sister's name

41: Last time you were insulted?   I honestly can't remember

42: Favorite flavor of sweet?   Don't really like sweets, much prefer me some chocolate. 

43: What instruments do you play?   Can't even play the recorder, but I sing, does that count?

44: Favorite piece of jewellery?   Rings, rings, oh and more rings.

45: Last sport you played?   This is a funny question

46: Last song you sang?   Walk Away, by The Script, I've recently become re-obsessed with this song.

47: Favorite chat up line?   "Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see" 

48: Have you ever used it?   What do you think? Waaayy too cheesy. 

49: Last time you hung out with anyone?   Urm too long ago

50: Who should answer these questions next?   I nominate, anybody who's reading this! 

Amelia xo

Sunday 12 October 2014

New York is Always a Good Idea

The Big Apple
The City that Never Sleeps
New Amsterdam

New Yorkkk *read in horrific New Yorker accent for maximum effect*

Holy Moly guacamole, I really do love this city. The story begins last year just before Christmas time, when my family and I  hit The City for the first time during the Christmas business. The week long trip was a birthday present from my Dad to my Mum (cue audience awhh's) that included, wait for it, first class flights (that's not all), and the penthouse suit of the Radisson Martinique Hotel, which was only a 15 minute walk from Times Square. My Dad's wallet must still be recovering...

I still can't decide the reasoning behind my love for this city, if it was because it was Christmas time or because of the actual city itself. It is probably a mix of the two.
There is something about New York that makes it hard for me to put into words in this blog post, something almost magical, but nonetheless an acquired taste. For example, you would not like this city if you are used to the quiet of the countryside or peaceful country lanes, oh no, New York is full on, love it or hate it, hustle and bustle,  run or get run over.
You could compare it to marmite: I love marmite too.

Here are a few pictures from my last trip to NYC:

Soph got a smidge excited when it came to Time Square..

Yes, the yellow taxi cabs are real.

Feast your eyes on this Belgium Hot Chocolate: swanky.

Central Park, watching the ice skaters instead of humiliating myself by attempting myself.

The Rockettes are pretty over-rated, just saying.

We loved the city so much that we are going back again in December, same dates as last year, which is a serious sign for the Preston family that we sure did like it. We never go to the same place twice, never.

If you take anything from reading this it's that you have to go to New York at least once, just to experience it. Put it on your bucket list, make it happen, thank me later.

Have you ever been to the Big City? Did you love it or hate it?

Amelia xox


Getting older, growing apart, moving to different schools, different uni's, colleges,  it all sucks. I never really fully appreciated how important my friends were to me until attending my current international school, Brighton College Abu Dhabi. The one thing that all international students will agree with me on is that because living out here is never permanent it's most likely that at some point your current friends will have to move away. This has been happening to me a lot recently.

Obviously, back in England I've had to deal with some of my best friends moving away to places on the other side of the Earth, like Australia, thus making it difficult to maintain a friendship despite the masses of social media available nowadays. But since having my eyes opened up to different cultures, accents, languages, religions, personalities, I've come to appreciate my international buddies as somewhat especially unique and special to me.

I often find myself daydreaming about the all too near future and how I'll manage to keep in touch with all my friends from the past 3 years once we've all sprinkled ourselves across the continents to go to University. I'll be honest, it scares me. The possibility of losing these people that have enriched my life and made me want to travel the world isn't the most appealing thought. In all honesty, I feel so incredibly lucky to have experienced living and submerging myself in a country that 3 years ago I had no idea even existed! And once having gone through this massive change in my life, I would have been happy to say that as a person I embrace change. However, now I'm not too sure.

What I wouldn't give to go back to last year and have all my friends surrounding me, including the ones that I now have to Skype instead of seeing every day in school. It's true what they say, you don't really miss something until it's gone.

So, the point of this blog post? Hmm, I guess it would just be to really appreciate the friends that make you cry-laugh and smile on a daily basis (I know, deep advice from a 17 year-old..).
But seriously, take pictures, share secrets, make memories, because when that person is gone the reality doesn't sink in until they are indeed, gone.

Surround yourself with people who inspire you,

Amelia xo

Flower Power

Having completed my two year art GCSE course, with a not too shabby 100% on my GCSE certificate to show for all the long hours and late nights, it's nice to now be able to look back on all of the pieces I've produced. From photographs to paintings, I believe art is meant to be shared, otherwise, what is the point in it? Art is something that is continually undermined nowadays, where science and brains seem to be the only things that count. False. Art is supposed to be inspiring and a creative outlet when words cannot be formed: visual stimulation. Soo... here are some portraits I've edited to incorporate flowers with my lovely sister, Sophie, as the subject. Enjoy..?

Here are a few more experiments with skulls..

I used pinky coloured oil pastels for this skull (which are essentially glorified crayons, in my opinion)

And soft charcoal for this artists copy of Alexis Marcou's 'Lady Antiqua' - this guy is seriously talented...check out some of his stuff here: http://www.alexismarcou.com

If you're wondering I used Picmonkey.com to edit the flowers onto these portraits, which is essentially photoshop for dummies like me who cannot begin to fathom the many complicated effects of real photoshop, scary stuff.

What inspires you? Does art matter or is it all a bunch of lines and scribbles? Let me know your thoughts!

Amelia xo

Saturday 11 October 2014

Why Autumn is the Best Season

Although I may live in the ever sweltering Abu Dhabi where it's summer all year round, there is no denying my love for the Autumnal months. I always find myself counting the summer days away until it finally hits September, at which point I know I can start allowing myself to get excited for the 'colder' (I wish) part of the year and all the festivities that come with it.

So why is Autumn the best season in the year?
1. Oversized jumpers: there is nothing better than knowing you can eat all the comfort food you want without your subsequent food baby sticking out like a sore thumb. Bring on the mashed potato and gravy.
2. Hot drinks: yes, I do drink tea every day of the year, whilst all my friends are slurping on cold lemonades in the Abu Dhabi heat: it's fair to say I'm quite obsessed.
3. Comfort Food: yes yes yes please. Roast dinners, pies, sausage & mash. Gimme.
4. Leaves on the ground: oh how I do miss the red and orange leaves crunch beneath my feet. None of the leaves fall off the trees in Abu Dhabi, unfortunately.
5. Candles: the excitement of walking into Bath & Body Works to see pumpkin scented everything and deals on the fall scents.
6. Duvet days: ideally when it's raining outside (again, something we lack in here in the desert) with fluffy socks on and the air con turned up real high, as to try and convince myself that I indeed do not live smack bang in the middle of sand land. A girl can dream.
7. Earlier evenings: boy oh boy do I get excited when it starts getting darker earlier in the evenings...all the better for watching films cozied up on the sofa. Am I right?
8. Bonfire Night & Sparklers: again perhaps a British celebration, but honestly one of the best holidays. It seems that whenever I  just blow out a match the lingering smell takes me right back to the scent of the burning bonfire, crisp night air and warm mulled wine.
9. Keeping busy: It may just be me whom this happens to, but it seems that in the last few months of the year everything just seems to happen all at once! You've got Bonfire Night, Halloween, and Christmas to look forward to, alongside the play rehearsals that me and my gal pals sign up for every year (it's become tradition) and vacations during the school break. To-do lists are a must.
10. CHRISTMAS: too cheesy for me to end on this one? Maybe, but I don't care, I'm honestly still like a five-year old when it comes to Christmas. I just love it. Ask any of my friends and they will happily tell you how annoying I am at getting too excited for Christmas as early as September (sorry not sorry). Who doesn't love the feeling of buying a great Christmas present for family and friends, or putting up the Christmas tree whilst the festive CDs are blasting?! *inner squeal of excitement*

So those are my few perhaps stereotypical things that I love about Autumn, besides the fact that I'm going to NYC in December again! I can't seem to get enough of that city.

What are you looking forward to in the coming Autumnal months?

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Wednesday 13 August 2014

The Start of Something

Why hello there, and welcome to my blog! 

A blog I hope to become a jumble of my thoughts, experiences, and any other miscellaneous things I feel the need to share!
A bit of background information first though: Originally from the UK and quintessentially British (not really, although I do drink a lot of tea), however now currently living in the sandy and sweltering Abu Dhabi. It's already been three years and the time seems to have flown by, I don't want it to end!
My childhood also is fleeting, as i'm 17 in the beginning of September and starting the dreaded A-levels. As if Gcse's weren't horrific enough..

I'm a self confessed Pinterest addict (cue shameless self-promotion: www.pinterest.com/meliapreston), book worm, lover of all things pretty, clever words, and anything aesthetically pleasing! Oh and if you couldn't tell already, I really like the colour orange (don't ask why).

Well thats the cringe-worthy first post over and done with I suppose. How are you supposed to end these things? Bye? That sounds wrong. Oh well, i've got nothing else....so, Bye Folks! *cringes*